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Range of courses: German

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Range of courses: German

German as a foreign language

Have you recruited staff from abroad and would you like to give them the opportunity to brush up their specialist terminology? Look no further than our trainers!
We offer you a broad range of courses, as we’ve demonstrated using English as an example.

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German as a foreign language

As long as humans have existed they’ve been learning languages. Because understanding the language of others is the key to their culture and their hearts. It may sound like a cliché, but it’s true today nevertheless: good language skills are vital to successful integration.

Have you taken on staff from other countries who already have a knowledge of German? Or are you planning to recruit people who have a different first language? You can not only support the integration of these employees but also boost their productivity right from the start.

Here’s a small selection of our portfolio for German as a foreign language which we offer as both one-to-one and group training.

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Beispiele von Unterrichtsmaterialien

  • Betriebsanweisung Kran - A1*
  • Modalverben – A2*
  • Fragewörter Persönliche Schutzausrüstung - B1*
  • Komposita Betriebsrat Arbeitsvertrag u.a. - B1*
  • Konjunktionen im Text zu Gabelstaplern – B1*

(Anmerkung*: A1, A2 und B1 bezeichnen das  Niveau des Unterrichtsmaterials nach dem Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen)

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